Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have tremendous potential to revolutionize how we interact with the digital world. To effectively, healthily, and safely use mixed reality devices, it is crucial to consider various skills related to digital intelligence. To provide further clarification, here are some examples:

Balanced Technology Use: It is essential to establish a balance between technology use and other daily activities. This includes limiting the time dedicated to immersive experiences and ensuring they do not interfere with your responsibilities and personal relationships.

Responsible Digital Identity: When interacting in virtual environments, it is important to maintain an ethical and respectful digital identity, treating others with empathy and consideration.

Media and Information Literacy: Understanding how VR and AR work and how to interpret information and experiences in these environments is crucial. This includes discerning between real and fictional content, as well as evaluating the quality and reliability of sources.

Digital Footprint Management: When using mixed reality devices, it is important to be aware of the information you share and how it may affect your online reputation and privacy.

Behavioral Cybersecurity Risk Management: It is essential to adopt safe practices when using mixed reality devices, such as keeping software up to date and protecting personal information.

Privacy Management: Protecting your privacy is paramount when using mixed reality devices. This includes properly configuring privacy settings and being aware of how your data is collected, stored, and used.

Personal Cybersecurity: Ensuring the security of your devices and information is crucial. This includes using strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and staying informed about security threats.

Digital Empathy: When interacting with others in virtual environments, it is important to demonstrate empathy and understanding, respecting others’ emotions and perspectives.

Despite the risks and challenges, mixed reality devices have tremendous transformative potential. They can be applied in various areas, such as education, professional training, healthcare, and entertainment.

By investing in the development of digital intelligence skills, we can explore the full transformative potential of mixed reality and contribute to a more innovative and connected future.

And if, after reading all this information, you still have doubts about your answers in the Educaself Quiz, you can find the correct alternatives here.


1 A – 2 B – 3 B – 4 B – 5 B – 6 A – 7 A – 8 A